Kids of Banda Neira

I thought I had seen all the wonders this region has to offer by the end of our expedition in West Papua and Raja Ampat, but then we visited Banda Neira for our last stop where we played with the happiest children I have ever met in all my travels. There was pure infectious joy radiating all around.

Hector John Periquin

Hector John gained much of his experiences in Hawaii where he studied International Cultural Communications, Photography, and Graphic Design. He also learned from internships, early jobs, and workshops by industry mentors in New York City. Today, Hector John enjoys traveling but continues to accept commissioned work. He is most interested in projects with environmental and humanitarian advocacies.

Hector John embraces radical ideas and prefers to break away from conventional thinking. Freed-spirited, his values include independence and individuality.

DESIGN: Grey’s Dermatology


Photo Series: Charmaine